The Weblog

This weblog contains news and the weblog entries from all the markets currently using the system.

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Champaign, OH:  Today’s Pick Up

Good afternoon, lovely customers!

Just a note, to tell you that with the incoming high winds, rain, predicted for the market pick up times, if you would like to call or text me, for an early pick up, starting even now, you are welcome to check to see if your order is ready, and then I can have you boxed up, and ready to roll!

Just trying to keep you all safe, and out of the winds!


If you don’t want to come out, at all, please contact me for a Friday or Saturday pick up!

Connie's Cornucopia:  Reminder

This week’s orders need to be in before midnight tonight so you can get your orders filled for this week’s deliveries and pick ups.


Independence,VA:  Online Market is OPEN for February 15 Pick-up!

Happy Wednesday, Market friends!

The Online Market is Open for orders until Monday at 8 PM for pick-up on Wednesday, February 15th.

I hope everyone has enjoyed the little taste of Spring we’ve had the last few days! It will be here before you know it.

On that note, we have 2023 seeds now available on the Market! Check out the cool new varieties we’ve added. Our leftover seeds from 2022 have been discounted and are available as well.

As mentioned last week, we are currently looking at the possibility of moving the Online Market to a new and updated online platform! Please take a look at the following links as examples of our options. Let us know your thoughts and opinions on what you want to see as we make the Market more user-friendly!

Option 1:
Option 2:
Option 3:

Thanks for your input!

If you’d like to schedule a curbside pickup to conveniently have your box awaiting upon your arrival, please feel free to schedule a time using the Calendly link below. Otherwise, You can drop by and pick up your order inside the office any time on Wednesday, February 15, between 4-6 pm.

Thank you, happy shopping!

To shop:

Schedule Your Pickup Time (OPTIONAL): Calendly.
After you click “Confirm” on your time, be sure to enter your information and click, “Schedule an Event”. You will get a confirmation e-mail. If you do not receive a confirmation, you are not scheduled and need to try again.

Thank you for supporting the Market!

-Christian, Online Market Manager

Fayetteville Farmers' Market:  ONLINE ORDERS OPEN UNTIL WED 6 AM

If you ordered, we thank you!

This is just a reminder in case you want to order before orders close at 6 am on Wednesday for pickup at library 4:30-5:30 Thursday.

Order here:

Questions? Reply to this email and we will get back to you with a reply.

Remember that if you want to order but are unable to pick up, there is a delivery option for Fayetteville addresses as long as you request it with your order or by no later than 9am Thursday.

Champaign, OH:  Rise and Shine!

And, in the last hour of your morning rush, you can still place your market order!

This is your Tuesday wake up call…don’t miss out on all of the fun!!

Cosmic Pam

Statesboro Market2Go:  Order before 10 on Tuesday night!

A reminder: Valentine’s day is coming up next Tuesday, so if any of your gifts are coming from Market2Go, you need to purchase them NOW!

Get some Great gifts:

  • Fresh flowers or potted plants
  • Superb scented candles
  • Luxurious lotions, bath bombs, soaps, and body butters
  • Or for a nature-lover, consider getting a bat box or birdhouse as a gift for both your beloved and for the local wildlife!

Ingredients for a delicious dinner such as:

  • Marvelous meats (steak, lamb, seafood, and more!)
  • A variety of veggies (such as sweet potatoes, salad supplies, broccoli)

And of course: Some Sweet treats for your sweetie! (and yourself!) like :

  • Baked goods like cake, cookies, and pie
  • Frozen treats like ice cream and frozen fruits
  • Or candies like honey straws, chocolate covered pecans, and fudge

Click to order at Market2Go!

Middle Tennessee Locally Grown:  Welcome Shroomegy Gourmet Mushrooms

Middle Tennessee Locally Grown market

will be open for your orders till Tuesday evening at 10 pm.

The market opened for ordering, as usual, on Sunday morning. Please support our local farmers, all of whom live within thirty miles of our market! Help to keep the small farm way of life alive and well, and shorten your supply chain! Be sure to place your order before 10 pm on Tuesday.

Please share this mailing with a friend and invite them to become a customer and share in all this local farm goodness.

Shroomegy Gourmet Mushrooms has listed several varieties of mushrooms. From their introduction:

Discover the delicious world of gourmet mushrooms with Shroomegy! Our family-run operation in Murfreesboro, TN specializes in growing a wide variety of culinary mushrooms, including Oyster, Lion’s Mane, Chestnut, and Pioppino.

We pride ourselves on using only the freshest, all-natural ingredients in our growing process, including a mixture of hardwood pellets and soybean hulls. Our mushrooms are grown in a climate-controlled environment throughout all stages, ensuring the highest quality and taste. Trust us to provide you with the best mushrooms, free of chemicals or pesticides.

(L to R) King Blue Oyster, Lion’s Mane, and Rocky Top Blue Oyster Mushrooms.

Aussie Acres introduces a new line of salads, each consisting of some ingredients produced by sister farms:

(L to R) Abruzzo (Italian), Walk in the Garden, Shady Grove Chef, and Waldorf Goat Cheese.

Meriwether Bakes has also added some new baked goods to the market this week.

(L to R) Bourbon Molasses Cookies; Potato, Leek, and Bacon Quiche; Chocolate Pots de Creme.

Our Pickup Locations

Our Manchester pickup location is under the Coffee County Farmers’ Market pavilion, across the street from the Manchester City Schools administration building, at
216 East Fort Street, Manchester, TN

Our Tullahoma pickup location is in front of “Nature’s Elite”, in the Kroger Shopping Center, at
1905 N Jackson St, Tullahoma TN

Our McMinnville pickup location is outside Martin Chapel Fellowship, near the big water tower and the Warren County Farmers’ Market pavilion, at
110 Market Street, McMinnville, TN.
NOTE: 10% delivery surcharge will apply to McMinnville orders.

For a map, click on the address link.

Only the best fresh flavorful farm products for your family! No more week-old produce trucked cross-country. All the fresh local farm products listed come from your grower and maker neighbors in Middle Tennessee. The freshest produce is picked the day you receive it!

Your year-round weekly market is open for ordering from Sunday morning at 8 am till Tuesday evening at 10 pm.

Receiving options:
THURSDAY afternoon pickup (4:15 – 4:45 p.m.) at the market pavilion on Fort Street, Manchester.
THURSDAY afternoon pickup (5:30 – 6:00 p.m.) outside “Nature’s Elite”, in the Kroger shopping center in Tullahoma.
THURSDAY afternoon pickup (5:30 – 6:00 p.m.) outside Martin Chapel Fellowship, near the big water tower and the Warren County Farmers’ Market pavilion, McMinnville. 10% delivery surcharge will apply to these orders.
Delivery on THURSDAY evening for a small additional fee, or at other hours by arrangement.

See the “About” page for details.

Please help us grow:
spread the word about our market.
share this newsletter with someone.
make my day and ask to hand out some fliers.
And if you are hungry for something special, just let us know, and we will do our best to find it for you.

Fresh from our local farms to your table!
Shorten your supply chain!

Champaign, OH:  Your Manic Monday Reminder!

Yes, go ahead, cue the song, feel the Monday crazy that, for me, is lasting even into the evening.

Not sure what was up with today, but something was in the air…it was just one of those days that every time I turned around, there was one more odd roadblock, one more obstacle, and it all seemed to take forever to accomplish.

Then, other people were all telling me the same thing was happening for them.

So, goodbye manic Monday, and hoping for a Groovy Tuesday. In order to make that happen, I am placing my market order, tonight, because at 8am, tomorrow, we close for the week, and you don’t want to miss out on all of this terrific stuff the market has to offer!

AND…don’t forget…it’s your only week, until spring, to order your florals from Flourish, for a Valentine Day pick up!!!

Leave the maniac, and enter the groovy…and get those orders in!

Cosmic Pam

Independence,VA:  Online Market CLOSES tonight at 8 PM!

Hellow Market Friends!

This is your Monday reminder that the Online Market closes at 8 PM for ordering. Orders will be ready for pick-up this Wednesday between 4 and 6 PM.

Thanks to everyone who made it out to the second Gro More Veg workshop this past weekend! It’s wild to think it’s already time to start sowing the first seeds of the season. Soon we should be seeing the first fresh produce of 2023 reenter the Online Marke as a result!

If you’d like to schedule a curbside pickup to conveniently have your box awaiting upon your arrival, please feel free to schedule a time using the Calendly link below. Otherwise, You can drop by and pick up your order inside the office any time on Wednesday, February 8, between 4-6 pm.

Thank you, happy shopping!

To shop:

Schedule Your Pickup Time (OPTIONAL): Calendly.
After you click “Confirm” on your time, be sure to enter your information and click, “Schedule an Event”. You will get a confirmation e-mail. If you do not receive a confirmation, you are not scheduled and need to try again.

Thank you for supporting the Market!

-Christian, Online Market Manager

Siloam Springs, AR:  The Online Market is Open!

Are you ready for your Super Bowl Party this weekend yet? If not, we can help! Order some bacon from Opossum Hollow Farms and make some jalapeno poppers that will be AMAZING! Or maybe you need some baked goods to keep your football fans happy—our bakers can help you with that! We have a great selection of meats, baked goods, and artisan crafts available this week—shop from now until Thursday at 5pm!